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The First Step

When The First Step is good and he keeps on his good work and stand on that way, there will be happy ending in his heart. It doesn't mean when he started with something not good then he will end up with sadness. We believe, as long as he still wants to change his own direction to be better, happy ending will not leave him alone. He will be very happy to follow him.

It's never too late when we still can breathe. We can change our whole life even it's only a second left of ours. The most important thing is we dare to change to be better and won't repeat what we had done in the past.

Guidance can tell us what to do and keep guiding us wherever we go. The key is always in our own hands. Take it or leave it, it's our decision. We can blame no one for that and regret always comes last. It will not show up at the first time but it will come after that.

When you have started something, even you are the Highest King in that Kingdom. You have to settle it to the end of the root. It's easy to throw it to the ministers' sides, but are you that kind of Highest? I don't think so. You can be better than that, even you are the best King of the time if you want to help someone in you become wise, tell him to see both side, the higher of him and the lower of him. Try to do something more to reach the higher but then feel graceful when he compares himself to the one lower than him. He may dream up high so he can be more successful than the higher, then it is time to be thankful to anyone when he compares himself to the lower. Because he will harvest what he had planted. If he had plants apple tree then he will get apples. If he'd planted wind, storm will be harvested. Each action will have its own reaction. Everything is created in couple. No one is alone.

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